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one:ONE, how a seeded idea has the vital potential to UPlift Humanity & Heal the World 💞🕊🌱🌿🌳🌍

Coffee has long been a globally traded & very lucrative commodity. Coffee has its perks, & its down falls if abused, like anything & everything. Moderation is self control in action. It was in my late 20s working double shifts MANY days a week that I found I was using Coffee morning, noon, & night thinking it was helping me stay alert. I WAS NOT ONLY WRONG, I was becoming sick & often. My colleagues were lamenting along with me the lack of energy & focus we were experiencing beyond when we were noticeably sick & not allowed to "skip" work or class without the threat of being fired or given a failing grade for lack of near perfect attendance, even though our sales & grades were near perfect. Several of us decided to fast from Coffee & replace our drink of choice with more vital options. The results were clearly more than just positive. Those of us who made the changes withIN ourselves clearly had much more positive energy, cleare focus, & stopped being sick. Onlookers noticed, & decided to try, finding similar results for themselves. I love love love Coffee, & learned well then that when I choose to limit my consumption, I not only have more energy, I am overall more healthy. One shift, one change, withIN oneself has the tremendous effect to influence change around us. What kind of change is first & foremost the QUEST-I-ON to ask oneself. Not all change is beneficial & not all change produces healthy results. Assessing one's habits & the results those habits produce is step one of many steps. While it is tempting to throw everything out all at once & start over, we risk throwing out the very beneficial aspects that produce healthy results. Start with one aspect of change & the ripple effect that change effortlessly influences ripple effects of change. Watching the life cycle of cofCoffee, the bean seed change into a tree produce an abundance of bean seeds that grow an orchard of coffee trees & you will see the effects that one has to produce vital change that spreads. Coffee growers intimately KNOW this. Organic farmers who produce food know that how they tend & nurture seeds effects the vitality of their overall production efforts. The very cool thing about beans & seeds is tgat when yiu watch them grow they all shoot out a sprout that breaks through the protective seed coat at a curvature that looks exactly like all animal & human life sprouts forth. This spiral effect can be seen with Fibonnacci's Sequence that he found formulates a number pattern that is seen in the way leaves & flower patterns assemble themselves around a central apex that radiates out from there producing the flowers that produce seed. GMO plants do NOT produce fertile seed & therefore the life cycle of GMO organisms stops at the end of its one life. This is vital connection that is largely being ignored here in America, but is well comprehended elsewhere in the world. African countries have learned this the hard way & know the results in their suffering people that GMO aid has had in depopulating their already declining population. They began refusing FEMA gifted GMO corn & wheat seed even though the aid efforts of FEMA volunteers are thought to be valiant. African nations, not their BIG Pharma bribed government$, refuse to participate with GMO efforts being pedaled & pushed upon them. Their long term visions of producing vital generations to come are NOT forgotten. January is the month that farmers plan their crops in advance of Spring. Thinking, planning, & drawing UP plans that include crop rotations that support healthyblife below the surface in the soil insures an abundant harvest come Fall. Visionaries are forward thinkers who care-full assess their fruited plans from the years before, shifting & adapting their plans to fit their long term goals. Even if you are not a farmer you can adopt this thought process into your physical realm. Place a non GMO seed into a plastic zipper top bag along with a paper towel, some water, & tape it to a south facing window in your home to expose the simulated cradle to vital light that with the warmed moist internal environment informs the seed that it is time to break through it's protective coating to sprout forth. You can very care-fully then transfer that young tender sprout into the soil, UPright, & watch it grow, see what the results of your actions produce. Research this experiment online, add learning what each part of the seed's name is & what each different part of the seed's function is. Each part of an organism has a specific function & without each part the whole not only does not thrive, it does not survive. Parallels in life exist withIN h around each and every organism & are not isolated from the Whole of Creation. Although human efforts to separate oneself from nature in unnatural con-fines may appear as valiant, the catastophic devastation has produced observable cataclysmic infertile results that terminates life all the way to the soil, where the very foundation of life is birthed forth. Soil restoration projects I have worked diligently on for decades include both restoring vitality to my own garden spaces as well as community supported agricultural spaces. These efforts have made there way from the farms into the cities. Communities dedicate acreage to show & tell participating neighbors how soil regeneration works withIN concrete jungles. Roof top farms have emerged from our ripple effects & produce not only vital food for participating members, but vital fellowship that produces healthy conversation all along the process. It takes 3-4 years to shift a piece of dead soil back into life giving soil. Indicator species like herbaceous Medicinal plants (know collectively as weeds) effortlessly create armies of help meets calling beneficial parasites to proliferate to consume the residues that industrial chemicals, poisons, & toxins leave behind. Once these parasites consume these death resulting residues they give back the elements to the soil in their poop, technically called castings, so that the soil can then reconfigure those once laboratory modified molecules back into elements to become their life force once again. The parasites then recede (ressed) into what is called cyst form to lie dormany until they are needed and called forth again. Human ears do not hear this communication. But the highly designed structures of life do by way of specific freQuencies that electrons radiate out with their energy. Increased energy creates clarity that effects the entire web of life. One person increasing their energy & thus increasing their sensory clarity creates clearer communication not only within one's own mind, but helps produce clarity across the entire web of life. So as you sip your morning brew, know that has you yiu are effecting the web of ALL life starting with you. We call these devices cellulare phones that connect to the web online. Breaking down our words into theur element phonetic components is jet to our comprehension of what one to ONE means. De-vices, cell-you-are, shows us that in de vicing ourselves is not a bad thing, de-vice the self & the cell-you-are changes over ALL. The web of life is not the problem, the ways we use the web is observe it rather than intangle ourselves in it. Now to bring online to the stand on the line phono- & photo- graphic example I high light here... those lines in spider webs are communication lines the spider uses to assess its available food source as well as distinguish predators. The spider does not have to think about its effect in the whole, it just does it innately. Watch further as some spiders carry their young on their back that then just jump off & go about innately living their life cycle...both mama & papa spiders are known to carry their young depending on the specific species of spider being observed. Teams that I work with use anonymous data collected from cell-you-are user's webbing patterns to observe where "cells" of activity take root & the effect that relay has on that cell's growth. Parking data gives us tons of information collectively about habits formed around those cells as well as which physical sites are being accessed from there. We coach our clients in many ways to see the patterns of their choices effect not only their industry but the communities at large. Visionaries do not see habits of organisms, namely humans, as bad things, we see habitual patterns as vital information that helps us plan for a more vital & healthy future for both humans and all the web of life. Cheers! 😍 Drink UP ☕️ & soak UP this first hump day of 2022 & know that no matter what hump you are trying to overcome withIN yourself today, your efforts are valiant, seen, heard, & most definitely felt far and wide in this web that is the web of life. #FreelySpeakYourTruth #YourTruthMattersToOthersMOREthanYouThink #LifeIsLearningLearningIsLife #LifeIStheTeacherWeAreTheStudents #WholeLifeLearningGentlyRocksTheWorldsCradles #TheLoveRippleEffect is real & it works

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