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Myths Of Alternative Medicine

An Uncommon YOUnique Discovery of The Myths of Natural Whole Health Medicine

Health itself is as old as humans are. Ancient sages, wise medicine women & men, mystics, healers, and physicians have long adhered to the teachings held within the Hippocratic Oath: to do no harm, and to help learn to heal themselves, help others to heal, and to freely teach apprentices drawn to them called into the field of true health care.

Natural Healing is not "woo woo," nor is it "new age," as is often faultily perceived. While a new era is now greatly awakening upon this entire Earth, we are also facing a time of great awareness to our very, real very, true nature and innate, cyclical healing that has been for centuries suppressed knowledge. Health care is the interconnectedness of the mental, physical, energetical, and spiritual bodies, all of which together comprise the vessel of the soul residing within our BEing. Everything, living & nonliving, in the Universe communicates with frequencies: sound & light wavelengths that are visible, invisible, audible, in audible. Everything we see, hear, smell, taste, touch- all of which we feel & describe with words, are observations & symptoms that our bodies are trying to communicate with us. We simply need to learn how to listen, respect, and honor not only our own whole BEings's signals, but also respect & honor the signals of other's whole BEings.

How are you feeling today?

While it is essential to feel & listen to what our bodies are telling us. Our emotions & feelings are only surface deep. In order to truly heal & BE well, we must root out the roots to restore & replenish the fruits of the fruits of our BEings. Our timelines & memories are etched with events, often the highs of great moments & the lows of traumatic moments that are stored not only in our mental health vault, but that which also resonate into our residing cells. To go withIN not only means considering both deeply the mentally & cellularly states of BEing, but also the energetically & spiritually states of BEing. None of the states of well BEing are separate from one another, yet they have individual operations, jobs, and purposes, that know exactly what to do by way of communication of neurological frequencies, as long as the neurological pathways are clearly flowing, unblocked, unimpeded, & unhindered. Limited neurological frequency flows disrupt, even disconnect, communication signals that drive cellular function. Imbalanced cellular functions, like inflammation, suppress (even flip off) the genetic coding (electrical switches) that send messages to the cells to do their job, and do their jobs well. Epigeneticists have discovered that in most cases of imbalanced health, both long term seemingly dissociated chronic as well as short term acute health issues, are directly associated to inflammation. A quick search of "inflammation" on delivers over 225,000 results. Perusing through the study titles, you will find myriad illness very common to just about every single American. So why in supposedly in a first world country, one of the richest most affluent nations on earth, are we the sickest nation with a severely high infant mortality rate. The findings that clinical studies and honest physicians being censored, threatened with their licenses being revokes, and even have been murdered for putting the truth of their findings ahead of corporate gains is not new at all. I discovered this in high school in 1989 with my first interdisciplinary research paper on SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome. I traveled to the Library of Congress in order to access publicated materials on SIDS, and my findings were not only deeply disturbing, they in fact were the catalyst for my life long pursuit on honest information supported by honest physicians who were drawn into their profession by their own internal passionate pursuit of health care and not driven by external forces of money. It has been known for many decades that if you want to be successful and make it b$g in this world then becoming a doctor, lawyer, computer programmer, "big time" actor, musician, or super athlete. Well athletes, actor, and musicians will tell you that is a massively deceptive lie and very few make it b$g time, often suffering not only financial hardship, but physical and mental trauma with addictions crippling them even further into the pit of deception. External influence of often "well intentioned" parents push adolescents and young college bound children into ignoring their God given talents for a pursuit of a high paying job. Even the college students who pursue the liberal arts and teaching have been mocked and demeaned into low paying jobs that were once in ancient time highly regarded, many we call great thinkers, often sharing their quotes in an attempt to bring awareness to disheartened souls bound to ever increasing debt working what many call a dead end job. Is it any wonder that the generations raised under these limiting beliefs say "adulting" is hard and they simply slink into the abyss of darkness, with their spark of life wallowing in stress, depression, anxiety, and panic. The rise of addiction, myriad mental health "disorders" afflicting all ages, suicide, alog with the branding & trafficking (legal & illegal) of absolutely anything that will bring a buck to help numb the pain and help put food on the table.

God called my soul into a passionate pursuit not only for seeking and discovering many truths, but with a heart so unafraid to step into the wilderness of a free open minded forging paths off the beaten track. I have been choosing paths less traveled my entire life. People are so desperate and yet so resentful and restrictive in their mindsets that they reject this type of freedom, often call me crazy and dismissing me with a phrase I have heard so often it truly saddens me every time I hear: "I don't know how you do what you do and appear so happy. I never could do that." I simply cheerlead them on saying they can do anything they put their heart INto. It is not until later with time that they start to catch on that I am not only not crazy but I am also not alone in this reality: that birthrighted freewilled choice exists beyond the propaganda check boxes of limited "multiple" choice and framed fill in the blank tests that strictly divert life into a living hell on earth.

My life's mission has been to spark the light in the souls who are drawn into my realm. I see their shyness, disconnectedness, sadness, depression, anxiety, anger, rage, revenge, self affliction, and addictions as God's clear sign to me that they are simply a soul trapped in the bondage of deceptive lies echoing and reeling in their mind. This is no exaggeration, and very hard truths to face for many souls: every single person I have had the humble honor of connecting with on a deeply personal level in conversation *always* ends up confessing of trauma stemming from childhood within their family or church (of every religion *and* those claiming no religion) OR an external traumatic event that left deeply invisible and visible scars, not only on their physical self, but on their mental and spiritual self. The real pandemic of life: inflicted souls are suffering in bandage that has so often been brushed off, dismissed, and ignored at the expense of the bu$y$ness created by the "well intentioned" futilely attempting to avoid these very infectious inflictions. Yes, viruses are real, death is real. I suffer along side many suffering loss of life, death of a loved one often leaves the remaining souls simply crying out to me saying that they are dead inside. Hugs do wonders and simply looking into the eyes of the desperate, into their souls, I tell them that I see them, I see their pain, they are not alone, and that if no one else does, I truly love them. I see their Divine light flickering, and I fan their flame as best I can in their presence. It can feel like a lonely walk at times, but I know who to call on when I feel alone, and it is God, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother who arrive every single time I call out that I don't know if I can go on doing this purpose work of my soul. Every single time, I cry feeling the suffering and the wailing lost souls just trying to get by in life, and all the suffering souls who have been genocided to the oppressive lies of the tyrant, all authoritarian mind. It is dangerous to walk in another's shoes, we not only find out who they are, but when we've been following "leaders" in our lives claiming to have the easy answers, the 5 step plan to success and a live of abundance, that true love is absent. No one can truly save us from our misery, not a lover, not a spouse, not a friend, not even the doctor helping to give patients seconds upon seconds upon seconds of chances to arise and try again. Until we see our health as our Divine human right existing right inside of us, we'll continually keep falling to the oft fruitless winds of change. Love and the healing arts (now being considered as Quantum Healing) is what my soul is here to do. And I will never tire doing God's work no matter what trail I forge moving forward. I've made mistakes along the way trying to numb my own pain along the way. Many paths I have forged have been in close proximity to the well trodden path, and I love relationships, having fallen into traps and pits when I wasn't sure of my footing. I am not holier than thou, I am a sinner and when I sit with many willing to open up and allowing me time to open up to them, they often say I never knew that about you. Frankly, there's a lot we all do not know of each other. We not been listened to. Ever sit in a room where a parent leaves their child crying because it's just not time to do certain things. I'm guilty, too, although I adhered to "attachment parenting principles" when my kids were younger, as my kids got older, the positions I have held demanded a lot of time, energy, and effort that meant I couldn't just abandon my responsibilities and high ethics. God has a way of turning *everything* for HIs good and perfect plan, to welcome and recover all souls authentically seeking to find themselves, see my big kids also learned to take care of things like their own wash, cleaning the house, tending to their bills, cars, and jobs and pay their way toward the things they desire-appreciation and gratitude is what they show me here. I do notice they, along with millions of others, show a very different presence online....and that is where I will stop for now, mirror projecting is for a whole different wondering mind trail.

Before I go, I encourage you to fact check everything mentioned here. Search engines are available, and if I can find these trails of my self interests, so can you. Here are a few to take along with you on your journey for now:

Depak Chopra

Greg Braden


Said Study App

Research Great Thinkers

Ancient Texts

Hidden Books of the Bible

alongside the many translations of the Bible

As always it is my pure INtention to INcourage and INspire

every single soul who happens along my path.

Have fun discovering and INjoy the fleeting time.

We are but a vapor in time and it is Love I aim to share along

with the Light of myriad truths we share together.

The truth comes with all kinds of feelings and emotions,

Love aces them all!

All myths aside: Natural Alternative Medicine Is Truly A Wholly, Holy Healing, Completely YOUnique, Developmental Process.

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