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Got worms? Worms are not just for fishing! Are you smelling the fishyness the world is catching?

Different souls value different things differently. 💖🌟

That is a really good thing.

I personally LOVE differences.

Do you?

🖤 Some people are worried & fearful of what they may see exit their bodies after they start using this. Some people learn about the amazing benefits but are too scared 😱 about what they may see. My advice? Don't look! Just get this black gold into your body & get those suckers O.U.T.!!!

🧠 Most things we get ourselves all worked up about are just in our head. We create our own personal prisons with the thoughts we have, worrying about things.

👉 If I THINK about the things that will exit, it's freaky 😰 BUT if I think about those a**holes (lol! no pun intended!) living it up inside of me, robbing me of my nutrients, my body, my life, my children's mother, my husband's wife, my parents' daughter, etc.- it infuriates me to no end!!

🎉 They have been partying too dang long inside of me, and now, it's MY turn! It's MY turn to live my life, in my body, even MORE happily ☺️ & MORE healthily 💃

😡 Those little parasitic vampires make us crave the junk food riddled with poisons that they thrive on & make us feel awful. Good thing I don't like eating junk food, but I do LOVE grounding me self playing in the dirt of our gardens!

☹️ These parasitic vanpires give us anxiousness, down moods, mood swings, change our personality, they (& the heavy metals they also feed on & hide in) cause many BIG mental disorders. They make us have short tempers...they cause all sorts of health issues... they hijack our sweet bodies & our lives!!!

🥷 I am MORE than taking my body back, I'm also taking my Birthrighted Sovereign Rights back!! I say, "it's ON! Your time is up! Come on out! Let me see who I've been fighting all these years! You're D.O.N.E! Bring. It. On." ‼️

While there is a lot of shiat in the world, my soul knows deeply that dealing with my own shiat FIRST, I naturally deal with the world. True change ONLY happens from withIN thus radiates out. Unconditional love for self AND for ALL souls is the sweetness lube & oh SO essentially healing as ALL the age-old shiat long held back spews out. 🧻good for wiping the a** & tears; and NO, not in that order! 😂 Get Real People! Authenticity NEVER goes out of style!!!💖🌟

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