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The Almighty Power of Prodigal Unconditional Love heals all wounds with time

There are many times when I have to surrender everything all over again.

Shame, blame, & guilt have a way of creeping in & from the most shocking of places & people sometimes, simply to remind me the walk I walked MANY moons ago...

reflecting on those days & giving them to The Indivisible God The Creator of ALL every.single.time, fills & over flows my heart & unconditional love bucket for myself & ALL others in my life.

Life is Hard, but God is Oh-So Good & loves US each & ALL with Prodigal Unconditional Love like no other. There will always be a jealous one to remind US of just how far we have come & that the well-come home INto the arms of Unconditional Love is worth every hard & deeply challenging lesson well learned.

I couldn’t have said this better myself, so I am sharing from a friend of mine with her permission. Thank you Dawn Camp for so eloquently expressing something I dealt with that is a part of a few chapters in the past of my life that no longer bind me to a past that no longer exists.

I have always been raw, real, & authentic ME in every chapter of my life.

I AM who I AM NOW because of ALL of my chapters & ALL of my experiences; and, I will forever continue to grow & evolve until the day I die.

Unconditional Love heals all wounds with time & repairs a soul, once confused & weary, to singing joyfully no matter what is going on all around at any given point in time.

NOW is a present I L.O.V.E opening UP with every single new day!


“I used to keep a mental highlight reel of my worst offenses. At the end of even the best day, my brain could hit the play button, and as scenes of my sins scrolled across the screen of my mind, I became so depressed and discouraged it was hard to see the light.

Although I confessed those sins to God and asked for His forgiveness, I couldn’t seem to forgive myself. I continued to beat myself up for the same things, over and over, with no end in sight, until one day I heard something that both shocked and shook me to the core: To confess a sin, repent, and then continue to ask God’s forgiveness for it multiple times (when you aren’t repeating the sin) is a form of pride.

Did I believe my sins were so enormous and unique that they were beyond His ability to forgive?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9 (KJV)

Why was I rejecting the forgiveness He offered me? In spite of the magnitude of God’s mercy and of the sins I know He’d forgiven, why did I act like He couldn’t handle mine?

Once I recognized how prideful it was to believe God could forgive the sins of others but not my own, I’ve never looked at myself in the same way. Our difficult experiences, both the failures and the grace that covers them, can deepen our capacity for sympathy and empathy toward others. And our darkest trials can become our greatest testimonies.

God’s grace and capacity for forgiveness are beyond comprehension. When we give in to guilt and focus too much on our role as the villain in our own life story, we forget that God is the hero who has redeemed us. Let’s remember that we are covered in grace. Let’s live in the freedom of His forgiveness.”

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