The Irie Light,
WE The People
of The World,
FREE Free Speech
Helping Individuals Get To Living Authentically Whole
Special Energy Healings for 100+ people
Coming Soon: Special Days & Times For Group Healings & Activations,TBA
Service Description
Connecting together for The Highest Greatest Good Of You & All. Awakening to Our Higher Self in connection with our heart, activates Our Spiritual Gifts the we each & ALL have been Created With. It has long been taught that spiritual gifts were especially only for the guru, the expert, the shaman, the prophetic, & "the gifted." This was needed for a while due to mass genocide and the murdering of these special ones. NOW, in the New Energies since the Great Awakening of 2020 that protector mode & "safe" keeping is not only no longer needed, it is not serving Humanity well any longer. EVERY ONE ON THE PLANET IS EXPERIENCING UNPRECEDENTED ENERGY SURGES COMING INTO THE PLANET AND MANY LIGHT & LOVE WORKERS HAVE BEEN NECESSARILY ACTIVATED TO FACE WHAT HUMANITY FACES & TEACH OTHERS THAT OUR POWER IS FAR GREATER THAN WE HAVE EVER BEEN TAUGHT. Designed for groups of 100 minimum. I am thankful thatmy own whole life learning passion has cost me a fortune to learn & that I appreciate what I learn intuitively validates what I have deey known all my life! I've struggled to pay my dues in life to get degrees & diplomas & certifications MOST AMERICANS STILL DO NOT RECOGNIZE NOR VALUE HERE. I choose to offer the skills I have with those souls specifically drawn to me *wanting* to learn how to recognize their own bioenergy field & learn ways how to navigate their own Quantum Whole Healing Process. I do advertise. I do not target clients. I need not ever sell any part of my self, my time, my energy, & certainly do not ever need to sell my love nor what I choose to do loving my own life & ALL the lives of the souls who are drawn upon my path. EACH & EVERY SINGLE SESSION is INtuitively it's very own. I begin with the basics & ADVANCE VERY QUICKLY maximizing the time of the group's members so that all who join can then immediately adapt & intuitively expand the use of myriad modalities into their own lives without becoming codependent on me or the group members.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
⚠️ Please Read This Cancelation Policy Closely & In Its Entirety: 🌟💕With your confirmed prepaid appointment, you automatically agree to this firm policy. With your four hour cancelation notice, all required prepaid appointments are fully refunded, no explanation required. ⚠️Any cancelation made less than one hour prior to your appointment time is automatic forfeiture of your prepaid fees and your appointment time will be made available for a waiting client, again no explanation is needed on your part or mine. Thank you for your clear understanding and humble respect. ∞💕∞ Grace & mercy are extended to those with unexpected family issues & serious emergencies that happen to arise- your honesty and integrity is highly respected by all. I, and the other clients I work with, greatly appreciate the honor you extend to all as we intentionally connect and work with one another. I deeply respect your time and needs as well as my own, my family's, and my other clients' time and needs. We are each and all simply living life and trying our best to live well & in communion with those around us. 🌎
Contact Details
Jasper, GA, USA