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Sometimes We Choose To Create Our Own Shifts & Sometimes We Allow The Universe To Deliver Presence

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

In light of the fact that school is on the collective's brains these days... I feel led to share a slice of my educational story with you all, especially those raising school aged children right now. As a 'veteran' life learner & educator BEing my overarching life's passion, my story may perhaps be of INspiration & INcouragement to some one out there. I don't like to toot my own horn, so following through on this ping from above is NOT easy for me. I do love a good challenge, so here goes following through...

When I was in 10th grade I wanted to be a pediatrician which sparked my senior interdisciplinary research on SIDS which led to DECADES OF MUCH DEEPER STUDY OF

VAC CINES. My last 2 years of highschool volunteered in Womack Army Hospital at Fort Braggn NC as a Red Cross Volunteer Nurse. I then went on to Appalachian State University to earn my undergraduate degree in Both Biology, Chemistry, & Spanish, which once there I had learned they had had the best Chemistry Department on the East Coast of American I do not know if that is still true today or not. While there I worked as a CNA at Blowing Rock Hospital for a couple of years. While at App State, I had shifted my focus to Obstetrics but then realEYESED that industrialization of birth was not my vision. So I decided rather than go on to convention medical school I would steer myself toward Midwifery. I needed time to re-center myself so I took off for Germany finding myself working in Garmisch with the Armed Forces Recreational Center at the base of the Zugspitze. It is there that I did my first 7 day water fast tgat completely cleared & amplified my senses that changed my whole persoective of both this body & this life of mine. After leaving there I took off to sail across the Atlantic to the Azores with a family friend a neurosurgeon and his friend an anesthesiologist. I then thought I would take a turn & a HUGE TURN it was. I jumped ships meeting some new-to-me-then friends from Chicago, who were sailing with an English Naturopath. I joined the ship again as a deck hand & had a most miraculous & magical experience. I had returned to the United States in January of 1997 & met my now husband Jacyn & thus made another HUGE TURN marrying him in 1998, having our 3 children in 2000, 2003, & 2004. We practiced what is collectively termed attachment parenting but which I prefer to refer to as authentic parenting. It's been another miraculous & magical experience of multidimensionally INterconnected experiences ranging the gamut. Now with 21 years of Whole Life Education, I have had the BEautifull opportunity to reclaim my education.

I had no idea upon graduating college that I would be going back through all of my schooling years a second time within 7 years that completely outshines all of my previous schooling years combined.

My children have been Whole Life Educated since birth & have chosen not to go to college for the time BEing, & are highly sought after for employment with our two boys at 18 & 20 are earning as much as their father is after 30 years of working, he too did not go to college.

My life is my INfinite open classroom, & I have taught my children their lives are their INfinite open classroom.

While the internet is an awe-mazing resource, I personally still thoroughly INjoy the feeling, smell, & wonder-lands of any book & the wide open outdoors. My favorite books to read & especially handy ones outdoors have always been non-fiction, self development, anything & everything medicine & outdoors. I also wanted to be a lawyer from the time I was 5-16, got INto Forensics Science as a Freshman in college & have taught high school students with Forensics Specialists. I also have a live-hard passion for The Science of Policy composition.

My absolute love is The Quantum Fields of Medicine which I discovered via Deepak Chopra's books in 1995. I have MANY favorite Quantum Science Everything teachers & I share about them. Genetics, Epigenetics & Metaphyics are exciting to me. It's kinda funny to me that I bore most people, but I am ever SO grateful for my think tank freely networking teams of collaborators & colleagues. The atmosphere among them is SO INcredibly INlightening. And, it's the kids who actually teach me the most.

I've spent my life sharing my mindfull wholeheart & in presence counseling many simply by asking questions & scattering seeds of ideas that are absolutely fascinating to me.

Every soul is YOUnique & it is IN nurturing Divine HUman Energy that the Quantum Sciences prove beyond all shadows of doubts with repeatedly recordable frequencies that themselves show to be INcredibly finely tuned stations that dial directly INto the Spiritual Realm.

The future of medicine & science is BEing both one's attentively observant patient & self physician. And The World, God's Green Earth (both known currently by myriad names, INcluding God The Father, Earth The Mother & Christ Consciousness The Zero Point Field, depending on who you choose to speak with).

The INfinite possibilities of HUman imagination & dreams are most definitely on full display NOW more than ever BE-FOR in HUmanity's Existence.

And to close, God does not always call the equipped, but God most definitely equips the called who choose to listen with INtuned senses. Sometimes We Choose To Create Our Own Shifts & Sometimes We Allow The Universe To Deliver Presence.

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